Thinking of that time we never knew…

We’re still getting used to the Leica Q - having shot Canon our entire lives (with a bit of toe-dipping in Sony via dalliances with the RX1 and the RX 100m4), the colour renditioning and shooting envelope of the Q are so foreign as to present in challenge when visualising the final product.

That is not to say that the Q is bad - it has its flaws like any camera, but it is anything but bad - rather, that it is just different than anything we have used before in terms of the way the files handle in post when we try to coax them into our preferred style.  

We’ll have more shooting notes as we continue to work with the Q but for now it’s very interesting to have to re-think our approach to shooting for post - and just shooting in general - for the first time in a long time.  We went through this to a certain small extent with the Sonys, but the .ARW files end up handling remarkably similarly to the Canon .CR2s and our shooting style didn’t change so much - the 35mm f/2 of the RX1 was fairly comfortable to our everyday-carry 50mm f/1.2 and whilst Sonys are ridiculously more finnicky and button-pushy than the workhorse big boy Canons, in the end once you got your settings right, it wasn’t too much of a stretch to coax the images in our heads out of the cameras.

The Q?  Well, it’s still an ongoing process.  

More thoughts to come…